Imani Brother Hood Mentoring Project

The Imani Brother Hood Project is a mentoring program established to provide a safe haven for young men who are seeking to escape some the ills currently plaguing much of our community.  This promising project serves as a foundation for young men seeking to enhance their existing levels of academic and social excellence.  In an attempt to restructure and stabilize the self-perception held by many of today’s young men, a comprehensive core of programs and services will address a variety of character deficiencies.  
A major goal of the The Imani Brother Hood Project is to instill value into the lives of each participant. It is our belief that participants will experience growth in many areas of their lives as a result of their involvement.  This single element, value, is a necessary tool in shaping the youth of today. It is also our believe that the power that exists within the leaders.

If you would like to become a mentor or enroll in our mentor program, email us at